
All of our build-in components are listed here:

Basic Components

Console Command

This will perform a command from the console

Usage: [console] <command>

Player Command

This will perform a command from the player

Usage: [player] <command>


This will send a message to a player. Here you can add arguments:


  • [message] <message>

  • [message(nopapi)] <message>

  • [message(broadcast)] <message>

Hold (Not Available)

This component is versatile and can be incorporated into any sequence of commands or instructions. Its primary purpose is to introduce a delay during the execution of commands, allowing for better control and timing of each step.

Usage: [hold] <ticks>

Player specific commands


If you want to show a title to a player, this command has two parameters, title and subtitle, if you want to show only the subtitle use [title] subtitle=test,etc..


  • [title] title=<title>

  • [title] title=title subtitle=subtitle

Available parameters:

  • title=<title>

  • subtitle=<subtitle>


To send a actionbar message to a player use, this fully supports hex and gradients and Placeholders, exactly like all messages

Usage: [actionbar] <message>

Bossbar (Not Available)

If you want to send a bossbar to the player you need to use this syntax

Usage: [bossbar] bossbar=<bossbar> style=<style> color=<color

Play Sound

With this you can play a sound to the player, when adding more parameters to the sound, the order matters , sound, volume, pitch, the sound is mandatory.

Usage: [sound] sound=<sound>

Available parameters:

  • volume=<number>

  • pitch=<pitch>


You can give the player an effect you want.

Usage: [effect] effect=<effect> duration=1

Available parameters:

  • duration=<number>

  • amplifier=<number>

Custom Effect

Here you can play custom effects to a player.

Usage: [custom_effect] effect=<effect>

Available effects:

  • Fireworks(color)


Sudo Player

Using this you can sudo a player any message you want

Usage: [custom_effect] effect=<effect>

Open Menu

If the menu will exists, it will open the menu to the player

Usage: [open_menu] <menu>

Exit Menu

If the player is in a menu it will close that menu

Usage: [exit]


This will refresh all of the menu items

Usage: [refresh]

Economy/Tokens/Mobcoins specific commands

We offer some custom components for Vault Economy and FlareTokens and FlareMobcoins support.

Give Tokens (FlareTokens)

This will give a player tokens

Usage: [tokens_give] <value>

Remove Tokens (FlareTokens)

This will remove a player tokens

Usage: [tokens_remove] <value>

Set Tokens (FlareTokens)

This will set a player tokens

Usage: [tokens_set] <value>

Give Mobcoins (FlareMobcoins)

This will give a player mobcoins

Usage: [mobcoins_give] <value>

Remove Mobcoins (FlareMobcoins)

This will remove a player mobcoins

Usage: [mobcoins_remove] <value>

Set Mobcoins (FlareMobcoins)

This will set a player mobcoins

Usage: [mobcoins_remove] <value>

Give Money (Vault)

This will givean amount from the player balance

Usage: [money_give] <value>

Remove Money (Vault)

This will remove an amount from the player balance

Usage: [money_remove] <value>

Other commands

Switch Server

If your server is connected to a BungeeCord/Velocity server you will be able to switch servers using this:

Usage: [switch_server] <server>

Click types on components

Starting from version 1.2.3 of FlarePanels, you have the option to place a click type in front of your commands or checks. This functionality will exclusively apply to click_commands associated with an item.

# Syntax
- "[CLICK_TYPE] (command)"
# Example
- "[message] any click types"
- "[LEFT] [message] only on left clicks"

Include the click type only if you intend to specify a command for a particular click.

Last updated