Conditional Components
With this components you can add conditions to your command list.
This is usefull if you want to make a shop easily using this component.
How it works?The following example illustrates how the [buy] component operates when positioned after the
[message] Before
component. Firstly, the message component will be executed, followed by the [buy] component. The [buy] component will verify if the player has a balance of 100 money; if yes, the component will remove the 100 from the player balance, and the remaining components will be executed. However, if the player's balance is insufficient, the "buy_failed" message will be displayed.
[BUY(currency)] <amount>
This will check if the player has the right money in thier balance, then the amount will be removed.
[BUY(money)] 100
From Vault
This will check if the player has the right amount of tokens in thier balance, then the amount will be removed.
[BUY(tokens)] 100
From FlareTokens
This will check if the player has the right amount of mobcoins in thier balance, then the amount will be removed.
[BUY(mobcoins)] 100
From FlareMobcoins
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